

What is Iodine?



Where does Iron Come from?



Iodine Needs



Iodine Absorption



Iodine's Functions in the Body

Iodine's principal use is in the thyroid gland, where it is an integral part of T4 (thyroxine) production.


Iodine Deficiency

Iodine deficiency results in hypothyroidism due to a lack of T4 production. This results in a a loss of normal inhibitory feedback, such that large levels of TRH and TSH are secreted.

High TSH levels stimulate the thyroid gland to grow enormously in an attempt to make more T4, which it cannot do. This growth is called goiter.

Iodine deficiency is incommon in developed countries due to its presence in table salt. However, it is still a public health problem in areas such as Africa and China, where rainwater has leached iodine from the soil.