Ethics in Health Care - Consent


When is Consent Needed?

Consent is needed whenever touch occurs, intentional or otherwise. This needs to be done on a treatment-by-treatment basis.

Written consent is preferable, but not necessary. Conversely, a signature at the end of a paper is not enough. Thorough discussion (documented in the chart) is necessary.

Exceptions include:

implied consent

emergency siutations

safety of others (security or criminal aspects prevail)


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Who 'Gets' Consent?

legal respoisibility rests with the person administering the test or treatment, but can delegate to others.


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Who Gives Consent?


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Who are Substitute Decision Makers?


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What is Required for Consent?



What is Informed Consent?

Information disclosed needs to be:



What Risks are Required to Disclose?

Ensure you tell them what they are going to tell them:



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