Iron Studies

last authored: Jun 2009, David LaPierre
last reviewed:




Peripheral smear can show target cells, pencil cells, or increased platelets if severe.

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Serum Iron

Serum iron is a direct measure of iron bound to transferrin in the blood. Normally, SI is between 50-150 µg/dL.

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Total Iron Binding Capacity

The TIBC is a measure of iron that can be bound in the blood. Normal TIBC is 300-360 µg/dL. SI / TIBC yields percent saturation, which is normally between 20-50%. When below 20% erothropoiesis is affected, while above 50% iron is loaded into tissues including hepatocytes, cardiac muscle, skin, and the pituitary gland.

TIBC is decreased in inflammation and increased in iron deficiency.

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Serum ferritin levels

Serum ferritin levels estimate iron stores, and a low ferritin suggests iron deficiency.Each microgram of serum ferritin corresponding to 10 mg of tissue stores.

Children and menstruating women normally have ferritin levels of 20-50 ug/L, while men and postmenopausal women have levels of 50-200 ug/L.

Ferritin is increased in newborns, infections, inflammatory diease, and liver disease. As kids are often battling infection, ferritin is a very poor screening tool in children.

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Serum-transferrin receptor

Levels of TfR increase rapidly once stores are depleted in proprtion to severity of anemia.

Patients with anemias characterized by increased reticulocyte number show increased [TfR], but patients with inflammation-induced anemia do not.

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Marrow Iron Stores

A bit intense..

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Red Blood Cell Protoporphyrin

Red blood cell protoporphyrin is a early measure of iron-deficient erythropoiesis and is very good for use in children due to the tiny amounts of blood required.

Zince protoporphyrin (ZPP) is an excellent screening tool where available.

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