Social Phobia

Social phobia is a "marked and persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations with exposure to unfamiliar people or scrutiny of others".

It is the most common anxiety disorder of adults, with about 13%. Its onset is usually in med adolesence, with a prevalence of 2-8%.


Social phobia can lead to significant co-morbidities, including depresison, other anxiety disorders, alcohol and substance abuse, and eating disorders.



Commonly feared situations include:

Avoidance, anticipation, and distress significantly interferes with social/occupational/academic functioning.


Somatic complaints can include:


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Social phobia is underrecognized and treated by family doctors.


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What Causes Social Phobia?


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CBT can be very helpful.

Exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, and social skills training to decrease anxiety and avoidance.


MAOIs, anxiolytics, and SSRIs can be used. SSRIs are becoming the drug of choice due to effectiveness and lack of side effects.


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