Searching the Literature


PubMed is an important medical database containing almost 5,000 journals that cover medicine, nursing, dentistry, and other health-related fields.

Searching PubMed is facilitated by different options of refining queries.


The Cochrane Library

The Cochrane Library provides high quality systematic reviews for clinical decision-making, with a focus on therapies.

Access to Cochrane reviews is available to Dalhousie students, and to all Nova Scotians. An important part of Cochrane's mandate is to provide accessible information to the public to assist them in decisions about their health.

Searching Cochrane

Cochrane may be searched using keywords or MeSH subjects. Due to the high specificity of MeSH headings, keywords should be used first when attempting to identify reviews of potential interest.


Clinical Evidence

Clincial Evidence, from the British Medical Journal, provides succinct information about clinical questions often asked by family doctors. Treatment options are presented in easily understandable lists and well-referenced.


Current Controlled Trials


Other Evidence-Based Medical Databases

Embase - European database that includes PubMed-linked journals; especially good for searching for pharmacological questions


Web of Science


ACP Journal Club


Clinical Evidence


Critical Appraisals from CFPC