Reflex Testing

Reflexes reflect motor neuron function.

Absent reflexes suggest lower motor neuron problems, while overactive reflexes suggest upper motor neuron damage.

Scoring Reflexes:


Important Reflexes

Biceps (C5,6)

Have hands resting palms down on lap.

Place tumb over biceps tendon and strike


Brachioradialis (C5,6)

Tap brachioradialis on medial forearm

Use fingers or not


Triceps (C6,7,8)

Two ways to test - have arm hanging down loosely, or supported (by you) across chest

Patellar (L2,3,4)

Tap knee between patella and tibial tuberosity

Can be done sitting or lying down, with knees bent (by you)

Achilles (S1)

Tap Achilles tendon, with you slightly dorsiflexing the foot

Can be done sititng or lying down




Using a Reflex Hammer

Hold a reflex hammer lightly.

have a pic of me holding one