

Antidepressants are most commonly used to treat depression, but also have a role in bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and other conditions.


Classes of Antidepressants


Choosing an antidepressant

Make sure patient is involved in this decision! Depression, without imminent suicidality, is not an emergency. Take time to plan treatments with the patient to maximize the chances of success.


  • overall benefits
  • time to see benefits
  • chance of benefiting
  • chance of stopping prescription prematurely (over 50% stop within 3 months)
  • duration of treatment


  • individual response
  • side effects, during and AFTER treatment
  • drug interactions
  • precautions
  • experience
  • cost
  • dosing
  • drug-drug
  • specific pharmacological actions
  • patient preferences (take advantage of placebo effect)


  • SSRI
  • NDRI
  • TCA
  • SNRI
  • MAOI

SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)

  • anxiety disorders: panic, OCD, PTSD, social phobia
  • bulemia
  • PMS
  • chronic pain
  • pediatric complications
  • more selective for serotonin
  • decreased toxicity compared with TCAs
  • less risk of interactions compared with MAOIs
  • decreased suicide risk
  • block reuptake in the presynaptic cell, leading to increased serotonin in the synapse
  • increased 5-HT signaling on presynaptic autoreceptors is thought to transiently decrease serotonin production; downregulation of autoreceptors then leads to increased production
  • may also increase neurogenesis in the hippocampus

side effects

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • sexual
  • changes in weight
  • serotonin syndrome - drug interactions maybe (MAOIs)
    • tachcardia
    • diaphoresis
    • hypertension
    • hyperthermia
  • may cause suicide in children and adolescents, though effect is minimal
  • SSRIs inhibit liver CYP 2D6, which is responsible for activation of codeine to morphine
  • do not combine with MAOI's or TCA's due to risk of serotonin syndrome





NDRI (Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reultake Inhibitor)

  • buproprion

TCAs (Tri-Cyclic Antidepressants)



TCAs inhibit NE, 5-HT, and sometimes DA re-uptake. Acting as muscarinic antagonists, they also have various anti-histamine effects.


side effects

  • antimuscarinic side effects: constipation, urinary hesitation, blurred vision, confusion, dry mouth
  • a month's supply will kill you (arrhythmias)
  • narrow therapeutic window

atropine-like side effects:

  • sedation
  • tremors, insomnia
  • constipation, dry mouth
  • hypotension
  • psychosis
  • withdrawal symptoms
  • weight gain
  • increased suicidal tendenencies in the young
  • combination with SSRIs or MAOIs can lead to serotonin syndrome



well and rapidly absorbed; quick onset

large volume of distribution, higher concentrations of drug in tissue cf blood; so not dialyzable

sodium channel blockade is most dangerous effect

CVS, CNS effects parallel

coma in 24-48 hours

treat with best supportive care, charcoal, sodium bicarbonate

sodium is the biggest treatment to restore CV function



SVT, icreased QRS >0.1, right axis deviation


SNRIs (Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors)

  • duloxetine
  • venlafaxine


side effects: nausea, vomiting, insomnia, sleepiness, constipation, dry mouth, tremor, anxiety, agitation, abnormal vision, sexual dysfunction, headache


  • interactions with drugs that affect 5-HT, such as SSRIs, St John's Wort, may lead to serotonin syndrome


MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors)

  • phenelzine
  • tranylcypromine

MAOIs blocks major interneuronal degradative pathway for amine transmitters NE, DA, 5-HT irreversibly. This induces the accumulation and release of NTs.



  • moderate/severe depression, not responding to SSRI
  • atypical depression
  • chronic pain
  • enuresis

Some cheeses, red wine, and fermented foods are high in tyramine. Blockade of liver MAO results in high blood levels of tyramine, which can cross the BBB and induce mass release of NE, resulting in hypertensive crisis.



The clinical effects of MAOIs last for 1-3 weeks after drug has disappeared from blood.


long term

  • agitation, neuromuscluar excitability
  • shock


serotonin syndrome

  • SSRIs/TCA/SNRI, meperidine, L-tryptophan, L-dopa, epinephrine/norepinephrine, stimulants, hypoglycemic agents, dextromethorphan






Mechanisms of action

Antidepressants all enhance the availability of selected neurotransmitters, leading to increased connectivity between and among neurons.

Immediately after taking a reutake inhibitor, autoreceptors lead to a drop in firing rate. Over time, however, cell firing increases over baseline.


Antidepresants also are protective against future episodes (NNT 4 for 1 year and 3 for 2 years) metaanalysis (Geddes et al, Lancet 2003)


Neurovegetative symptoms begin to change within 1-3 weeks, while the emotional and cognitive symptoms often take 2-6 weeks to begin changing. Accordingly, it is important to be particulary vigilant during the first few weeks, as patients may be at risk of suicide with their increased energy but persistent low mood.




Almost half of people have concerns about antidepressant addiction.


drug interactions

Antidepressants can have potentially fatal interactions, causing hypertensive crisis or serotonin syndrome. MAOIs are particularly worrisome regarding side effects.

Any antidepressant needs to be out of the system (5 half-lives) before going to MAOIs. When switching from a MAOI to another antidepressant, wait 2 weeks to allow irreversibly inhibited MAO to regenerate.



There is at least a theoretical risk of increased suicide ideation, allegedly with SSRIs






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