Psychiatric History


Identifying Data



Chief Concern


History of Presenting Illness

"what sort of things led up to this?"



Psychiatric Functional Inquiry

It is very important to screen people quickly for other potentialities...


Past Psychiatric History


Past Medical History

"anything medical we should know about you?"

"any problems with your heart, blood pressure..."


Family Psychiatry/Medical History


Past Personal History


Functional Inquiry

General: Weight, Fatigue, General well-being, Fever, Chills, Sweats
Current Health: Sleep, Diet

"we all have our blue days. Do you ever feel this way?"


"We're all human, and sometimes we talk to ourselves. Sometimes it might seem like there are voices talking to us. Does this ever happen to you?"

Learn symptoms for systems.



Other Great Bits of Advice

Make sure to ask about delirium, dementia, and substance abuse; these very common things are important and easily missed!


Have the courage to go into uncomfortable areas with people. If someone has an acute abdomen, you gotta palpate to find where the problem is.


You can ask anyone anything if: a) it is a logical thing b) they know you will treat them with respect


Care about the person. Don't try to be the nice doctor. When people get anxious or uncomfortable, you know you're on the right track.


Go after the anxiety-provoking factors; don't just try to figure out what pill will work for what.



People won't talk with you if they are: