Shoulder Anatomy and Movements

The shoulder is composed of four articulations - the sternoclavicular, the acromioclavicular, the glenohumoral, and the scapulothoracic.



Bones of the Shoulder


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Sternoclavicular Joint

The sc joint involves the clavicle and both the sternum and manubrium. A fibrocartilaginous disc and both anterior and posterior SC ligaments stabilize the joint.


Acromioclavicular Joint

The AC joint, together with the SC joint, are particularly involved with abduction and rotation.


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Rotator Cuff

supraspinatus: abducts arm

teres minor: externally rotates

infraspinatus: externally rotates

subscapularis: internally rotates


Up to 30 degrees, abduction is carried out primarily by the supraspinatus

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